
Last Updated: December, 2023

At GigNexus, we specialize in providing virtual assistant services catered to the needs of small and medium businesses, as well as entrepreneurs. Our services and the content available on our website are designed to offer general information that can assist in various business activities. However, it's important to note that this information is provided for informational purposes only. Additionally, our website may feature links to external websites. These are included to provide further information and are not an endorsement of these sites. We want our users to understand that GigNexus does not control the content or the privacy practices of these external sites. Therefore, any reliance on the information provided on these linked sites is done at the user's own risk, and we bear no responsibility for the accuracy or content of these external websites.

The content provided by GigNexus, be it through our website or our services, is not and should not be taken as professional advice in specialized areas such as legal, financial, or other fields that require expert knowledge. Our aim is to support your business endeavors with general guidance, but this should not replace the need for professional consultation. We encourage our clients to seek advice from qualified professionals for any specific legal, financial, or specialized needs. While we strive to keep the information we provide both current and accurate, the dynamic nature of business means that we cannot fully guarantee the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of all the information. As such, any actions taken based on information obtained from our services or website are made at the user’s discretion and risk.

In terms of liability, GigNexus, including our staff and associates, is not liable for any form of damages that may arise from using our services or from the information presented on our website. This encompasses any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to those resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence, or other tortious actions arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information available from GigNexus. Furthermore, references to any products, services, or third-party content, whether directly or indirectly linked on our website or mentioned in our services, do not imply our endorsement or recommendation of such products or services.

For any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, we encourage you to reach out to us directly at relations@gignexus.io.